The team is comprised of a handful of talented TV veterans who were part of the original series, combined with an extended group of film and media experts and enthusiasts...and yes, as you will see, there is a Bob involved. (Careful readers will recall that in our post “Bijou Bob Answers Back" we showed Bijou Bob as a monkey at a typewriter. Actually, we don’t have a typing monkey on our staff, but when we get funded we mean to acquire one.)
Let’s meet the Bijou Bob crew, beginning with members of the original team:
Bob is co-creator and producer of the original series which aired on PBS from 1980-88. He is a former front-row kid, a lifetime film buff, and recognized as a leading authority in classic American movie history and content. In addition to the Matinee series, Bob created and c0-produced an anthology film series called The Uncle Sam Movie Collection. Producing credits include a Disney series called The Fabulous Fleischer Folio, among many others. Bob grew up in southern California and has lived in southern Oregon since 1977.
Sam directed seasons 4 and 5 of the original Matinee series, and returns to helm the sequel. He's a graduate of UCLA’s Theatre Arts Film School, with over 30 years experience directing, producing and writing over 200 film and video productions. Having enjoyed directing the likes of Ned Beatty, Rip Torn, Aldo Ray and James Mason, Sam is looking forward to the opportunity of working with our talented host, Debbie Reynolds. Sam and his wife Jeanne reside in Carmel, California.
Rich created “At the Bijou” the theme song for the original Matinee at the Bijou, and is currently composing a new theme song to be performed by Ms. Reynolds. Rich left Grey Advertising Worldwide in 1999, after serving 20 years as VP/Associate Music Director, to launch his own music production company, Amazing Tunes. In addition to writing and singing on hundreds of jingles, he’s very active in childrens’ television. Among the shows he’s written for are Schoolhouse Rock (ABC), The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss (Nickelodeon), The Book of Pooh, PB&J Otter and JoJo’s Circus (Disney). His work in advertising and tv have given him the opportunity to work with the likes of Johnny Cash, The Muppets, John Malkovich and Mike Nichols. (You can read Rich’s reminiscences of working with Rudy Vallee in an earlier post.) In addition to his maestro role, Rich is an executive producer on the series this time around and manages The Bijou Blog.

Mark is president of The Chudwig Group, Inc., which owns Matinee at the Bijou. He, along with Bob and Peter Bedell, are producers on the sequel series. Mark is an Emmy award winning producer, director and writer, and was a director and producer of The Uncle Sam Movie Collection series. He recently completed a 20 year career as general manager of what is now known as Pilot Rock Productions, one of the Pacific Northwest’s premier media production facilities. Mark recently launched Media Du Monde, Inc., a media production company based in the Seattle area. He and his wife Sheri live in Renton, Washington.
Tom is a Chudwig Group principal and an executive producer of the sequel series. He is a successful marketing executive, and a producer of The Uncle Sam Movie Collection series. Tom is the sales and marketing director for COBI Digital HD. He and wife Debbie are longtime residents of Ashland, Oregon
Founder-owners respectively of Festival Films, Sinister Cinema and Hollywood Select Video, each is an executive producer of Matinee at the Bijou and brings to the series a lifetime of knowledge and experience in locating and acquiring rare cinematic treasures - many of which will be showcased on upcoming episodes. Ron was profiled in an earlier entry, and we will have much more to say about Greg and Conrad in future posts.
Pete is a multi-talented editor and video artist, with decades of multi-media experience. In 1995, the Matinee series underwent an extensive makeover for a domestic re-release and international distribution. Pete produced a new opening sequence and edited the re-release versions. Currently he operates a Discreet “Smoke” High Definition post production suite at Medford’s COBI Digital HD, where much of the production of the sequel series will take place.
Larry art directs the print and online presence of Matinee at the Bijou, and often weighs in on other creative and biz aspects of the show. He’s a supremely talented artist, designer, architect and musician and runs his own venerable artistic design business called 20/20 Design, based in Ashland, Oregon.
Being a big fan of the original, I'm very interested in the new series. 2007 is almost at an end, and I haven't heard any definite plans. The anticipation is killing me.
Any idea when we'll be hearing some news?
Much is going on behind the scenes that cannot yet be announced. We have high expectations that sometime this month or next we will have our sponsorship secured.
PBS is ready when we are, so Add 4 months of production - and we could be back on the air as early as spring 2008. The anticipation is killing us too ...
I'm very happy to hear that. I have very fond memories of the original series, and I think my son will be old enough to enjoy the new one by the time it hits the air. And even if he doesn't, I will.
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