Kickstarter listed The Edgar Kennedy Restoration Project at #13 on their roster of Kickstarter Film & Video Staff Picks! Edgar would be thrilled as will be his devoted advocates and supporters that want to see this project succeed! Team Edgar sincerely thanks those who have provided their early support!

The KS campaign to produce a pilot episode for The Edgar Kennedy Show has two weeks remaining. We launched on the same day as the U.S. government shutdown and misjudged its duration. Many Americans held onto any spare cash and delayed donations to worthy causes. This must be a key factor that has inhibited many of Edgar's 500 Facebook Friends and longtime Edgar advocates from supporting him at Kickstarter thus far. Our challenge is to reverse this paradigm over the next two weeks.
You can help by telling any friends you know who love classic movies about the project. A call to action can spread quickly on the Internet. Forwarding our KS link far and wide, much like a benevolent chain letter, to encourage affinity groups, bloggers, film-oriented websites and film restoration and preservationists with sufficient resources to join the cause.
Team Edgar salutes Mark Kennedy for his generous KS pledge on behalf of his grandfather. You can read more about The Edgar Kennedy Restoration Project, watch clips of Edgar in action, and enjoy one of his funniest shorts Hold Your Temper at the Edgar website
In the meantime, an intriguing new door has recently opened that could develop into an exclusive marquee home for the Matinee at the Bijou sequel series. We're on it and will keep you posted.
The Kickstarter project is explained in this short video ...
The Kickstarter project is explained in this short video ...
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